[Translate to English:] Tagungs- oder Seminarraum im Park Hotel Leipzig
[Translate to English:] Festlich gedeckte runde Tische im Tagungsraum 2
[Translate to English:] Tagungs- oder Seminarraum 2 mit Bestuhlung
[Translate to English:] Ovale Tafel im Tagungsraum 3 mit Tageslicht
[Translate to English:] Tagungsraum 2 mit Bestuhlung in Parlament-Form
[Translate to English:] Foyer der Tagungsräume mit Kaffeespezialitäten oder 3-Gang Menü

Conferences, corporate events, family
celebrations ... everything is available!

Conferences & Celebrations

Park Hotel Leipzig is a business hotel, city hotel and conference hotel all in one. Our six banqueting and conference rooms are ideal for successful conferences, seminars, corporate events or family celebrations. Our premises have a pleasant art deco ambience in an exclusive location, and feature state-of-the-art technical equipment.

We attach top priority to offering our guests personal, individual service and will be delighted to provide you with an offer which is exactly in line with your requirements. We ensure that for everything we arrange you always have the same contact person, from the initial enquiry to the final contract.
Please contact us for your individual offer!

Room 1 with daylight

Room 1 with daylightRoom 1 with daylight Grundriss
Floor:1st floor
Size:8,6 x 7 x 2,6 m (60 m²)
Room rental:€ 450
Park-Hotel Web Tagung Icon ReihenPark-Hotel Web Tagung Icon ParlamentPark-Hotel Web Tagung Icon U-FormPark-Hotel Web Tagung Icon BlockPark-Hotel Web Tagung Icon Bankett

Room 2 with daylight

Room 2 with daylightRoom 2 with daylight Grundriss
Floor:1st floor
Size:16,3 x 7,5 x 2,6 m (123 m²)
Room rental:€ 690
Park-Hotel Web Tagung Icon ReihenPark-Hotel Web Tagung Icon ParlamentPark-Hotel Web Tagung Icon U-FormPark-Hotel Web Tagung Icon BlockPark-Hotel Web Tagung Icon Bankett

Room 3, 4, 5 with daylight

Room 3, 4, 5 with daylightRoom 3, 4, 5 with daylight Grundriss
Floor:1st floor
Size:6 x 4,9 x 2,15 m (30 m²)
Room rental:€ 190
Park-Hotel Web Tagung Icon Oval

Room 6 without daylight

Room 6 without daylightRoom 6 without daylight Grundriss
Floor:1st floor
Size:14 x 4,2 x 2,6 m (68 m²)
Room rental:€ 250
Park-Hotel Web Tagung Icon ReihenPark-Hotel Web Tagung Icon ParlamentPark-Hotel Web Tagung Icon U-FormPark-Hotel Web Tagung Icon Block

Standard equipment per room

In our conference rooms, a flipchart, screen, writing pads and pens, as well as a projector (partly subject to a fee), are at your disposal. We will be happy to organise further technology needs.

Request proposal

[Translate to English:] Konferenzräume im Parkhotel Leipzig

Conference packages

All packages are subject to a one-off room hire charge (prices on request).

Flat rate L

  • Welcome coffee
  • 2 coffee breaks at the kitchen team’s discretion, including coffee & tea specialities
  • Soft drinks unlimited
  • 3-course lunch menu at the chef’s discretion / lunch buffet from 30 people upwards
  • Conference technology: 1 projector, screen, 1 moderator’s case, 1 flipchart, 1 pin board, writing utensils, internet access for all conference participants

per person € 69.00

Flat rate M

  • Welcome coffee
  • 1 coffee break at the kitchen team’s discretion, including coffee & tea specialities
  • Soft drinks unlimited
  • 3-course lunch menu at the chef’s discretion / lunch buffet from 30 people upwards
  • Conference technology: 1 beamer, screen, 1 moderator’s case, 1 flipchart, 1 pin board, writing utensils, internet access for all conference participants

per person € 61.00

Flat rate S

  • Welcome coffee
  • 1 coffee break at the kitchen team’s discretion, including coffee & tea specialities
  • Soft drinks unlimited
  • Snack selection at the chef’s discretion
  • Conference technology: 1 beamer, screen, 1 moderator’s case, 1 flipchart, 1 pin board, writing utensils, internet access for all conference participants

per person € 54.00

Flat rate XS

  • Welcome coffee
  • 1 coffee break at the kitchen team’s discretion, including coffee & tea specialities
  • Soft drinks unlimited
  • Conference technology: 1 beamer, screen, 1 moderator’s case, 1 flipchart, 1 pin board, writing utensils, internet access for all conference participants

per person € 33.00

[Translate to English:] Steaktrain Reservierung


 Every day from 5 – 10 pm
January / February - Sunday day off

Reservations: +49 371 3551-0


Events request:
Tel.: +49 371 3551-0


Location & directions